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Alumni Spotlight: Andrew Spring

Andrew SpringJumpstarting a Career Through Career and Technical Education


Cyber Security Engineer, Salesforce


Kentwood High School Class of 2015
Green River College Bachelor’s Degree -
Network Administration and Security, 2018

What is your educational background, including high school and college?

My educational background started at Kentwood taking UW/AP and CTE classes. After graduation, I went to Green River College and received my bachelor’s degree in network administration and security. Due to the classes I took in high school that granted college credits, I was actually able to graduate a full year early. 

What is your current career, and what was your journey to pursue that field?

I am a cyber security engineer and have been working at Salesforce for the past three years. My professional career began when I landed an internship on Nordstrom’s security team. I would credit that as one of the biggest reasons I was able to leapfrog roles in my field and highly recommend that students start applying for internships as early as their junior/senior year of college. Once the internship concluded, Nordstrom offered me a full-time position after graduation. 

How do you feel that KSD prepared you for your career?

I’m in a pretty specialized role even within cyber security, and KSD classes came in handy more than I thought they would. For example, Excel is widely used within the business world, and being able to do complex formulas and reports helped provide immediate value. Digital Design, Intro to Java, and Office Fundamentals really helped me hit the ground running when I was first starting my career.

What is your proudest achievement?

I would say that one of my proudest achievements thus far would be my career. I was lucky enough to have opportunities and great mentors very early on that gave me the experience and knowledge necessary to be in the position I’m in now.